Achieving and Sustaining Climate Neutrality by 2030
2021 Sustainability Targets
We at Worldnet International believe that the health and wellbeing of our planet is important. We believe that everyone deserves clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, and nontoxic places to live, now and for many generations to come.
As a means to contribute to the betterment of our planet we are committing ourselves to achieving and sustaining climate neutrality by 2030. In order to accomplish our goal, we have evaluated our business practices and are implementing alternatives to lessen our impact. 

Our Goals for 2021
- Achieve 25% of supplier OLA commitments towards environmental awareness and goals
- Achieve workforce training and awareness to 100%
- Achieve recycling across all facilities to 100%
- Reduce paper consumption by 20%
- Reduce and offset carbon emissions by 15%
- Replace 25% of facility lighting with energy efficient bulbs
- Upgrade 25% of facility thermostats with automation or eco-friendly configuration
- Develop sustainable customer emissions reporting, providing transparency and enabling customer participation on their shipments
- Develop customer participation program in carbon offsets for their shipments
- Participate in Carbon Disclosure Project –
- Develop sustainable customer emissions reporting, providing transparency and enabling customer participation on their shipments
- Incorporated environmental foundations into our ISO IMS formally – policies, procedures and 100% training awareness.
- ISO14001 accreditation
- Ecovadis Silver Medal 2021
- Tested and established a full year of confident measurements across major functional areas – service, transportation, facilities
- Consumption – Paper, Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste
- Emissions – Direct GHG, Indirect GHG
- Introduced digitalization initiatives, updated processes and systems reducing paper consumption near 70% over the last three years
- Installed new fleet management technology to real time monitor and analyze fuel economy, route efficiency and cargo capacity
- Registered with UNFCCC for Carbon Offset
- Began contribution November 2020, offsetting 100 metric tons of emissions