Visual Merchandise & Retail Design Logistics

The logistics demands of the Visual Merchandise and Retail Design industries can be complicated, can require any number of service features beyond just transport, and all must be executed with precision. Speed can often be a challenge, and time definite can require as precise as a five-minute delivery window. Heightened commercial secrecy and/or security can surround a part of a project or the entire project. Worldnet has decades of experience serving these unique needs with true service differentiation, a knack for troubleshooting and ultimate reliability for the industry; this is why our customers look to us to perform, again and again.

Design and Prototyping Logistics Services

  • Project management
  • High security prototype logistics including GPS tracking, hand carries
  • Returns after testing or demonstration including duty and tax abatement options

Production Logistics Services

  • Samples logistics, including returns
  • Materials or components aggregation (remote logistics between factories)

Final Product Shipping and Delivery Services

  • Packing and crating
  • Custom solutions for odd sizes or weights
  • Air and Ground transport options
  • Timed deliveries, to the hour and minute
  • Storage options
  • Urgent Distribution options (Covid-19 supplies or restocks, display parts supplies, brand collateral)

Installation Assistance Services

  • Unpacking and uncrating
  • Debris removal
  • Waiting at site for return of any components



Visual Merchandising & Retail Design Case Studies

Special Projects

 This case study details the intricacies of a complex project, the various challenges faced by the team, the tight coordination required, and the solutions put in place along the way to ensure successful delivery.

Consumer Tech Retail

Our client, a retail technology and virtual merchandising leader, had a complex project on behalf of their client, a consumer technology leader. An array of visual displays…

Luxury in the Alps

Worldnet International took on a complex mission: transporting over 80 pieces of luxury furniture from Milan, Italy, to a remote chalet in Courchevel, France. This operation involved not just delivery but also the careful setup of all pieces on-site for a highprofile event and photoshoot, all within a single day.


Our client, a consumer technology leader, had a new store opening in Mexico City. Part of their opening included their bespoke custom shelving, which arrived crated…

We Ship It All

At Worldnet, we specialize in navigating the distinct needs of various industries. Our customized solutions ensure secure, timely deliveries that address the specific challenges of your business. With a steadfast commitment to reliability and precision, we guarantee that your shipments arrive safely and on time, providing peace of mind and exceptional service every step of the way.